List of space ships (technical information) / X3 Terran Conflict (X3TC)
X3TC X3 Terran conflict / Space ships properties
List of space ships (technical information)
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Ship name:
Found ships: 356
Ship nameClassRaceSpeedHullGeneratorMax shieldsTurretsHangarCargobayPrice
MammothTLArg5887150 0003 30017 100200MJ51 000 000456000060000ST28 497 125
MercuryTSArg5010020 00060085025MJ375 0001030004000XL189 335
Mercury TankerTSArg5010020 00060085025MJ375 0001030004000XL189 335
Mercury HaulerTSArg408019 00060085025MJ4100 0001060008000XL520 690
Mercury TankerTSArg326520 00060085025MJ5125 0001057007600XL520 690
Mercury Super FreighterTSArg387719 00066085025MJ5125 0001055507400XL520 690
Mercury Super FreighterTSArg367217 00066085025MJ5125 00010885011800XL1 325 500
ExpressTPArg6015020 00060045025MJ375 00010750750L408 045
Express HaulerTPArg6616520 60060045025MJ375 00010862862L1 122 290
MagnetarTMArg5511021 0001 000850200MJ2400 0002410001500XL284 040
ColossusM1Arg4979400 0008 20053 2002GJ36 000 00066088008800XL67 092 098
TitanM2Arg3549500 00014 400276 4002GJ48 000 000601000010000XL68 560 758
NovaM3Arg6015010 0007505 60025MJ375 0001086236L1 610 680
Nova RaiderM3Arg761909 5008255 60025MJ375 0001077216L1 610 680
Nova VanguardM3Arg661659 5008256 72025MJ375 0001081224L2 013 370
Nova SentinelM3Arg4912310 0008255 60025MJ375 0001077214L2 254 970
EclipseM3Arg5213012 5001 2508 000200MJ1200 00020120320L5 356 220
BusterM4Arg621753 5002502 0505MJ315 0000023108M408 045
Buster RaiderM4Arg792233 3252752 0505MJ210 000002097M612 150
Buster VanguardM4Arg691933 3252752 4605MJ315 0000021102M510 060

Space ships properties

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