List of space ships (technical information) / X3 Terran Conflict (X3TC)
X3TC X3 Terran conflict / Space ships properties
List of space ships (technical information)
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Ship name:
Found ships: 356
Ship nameClassRaceSpeedHullGeneratorMax shieldsTurretsHangarCargobayPrice
Falcon PrototypeM3Tel6013214 6527264 44025MJ4100 0001050353L2 368 750
Kite VanguardM4Tel541407 410612025MJ4100 0000033133L1 178 370
Advanced KestrelM5Tel1736222 5001351 4001MJ44 000101950M186 655
Advanced EclipseM3Pir4512611 2501 2007 80025MJ4100 00020120332L5 790 400
Blastclaw PrototypeM3Pir571599 0007156 80025MJ4100 00020250650L5 831 140
Susanowa PrototypeM3Yaki8926710 4008257 50025MJ375 0000093152L1 217 325
Jump BeaconSMArg005002501MJ11 000no01010S12 175
Message DroneM5Arg3503501505001MJ11 000002525XL81 155
Deca DeafM4Terr642564 2003501 6505MJ420 0001039114M384 755
Deca FadeM5Terr1204801 200708001MJ22 000001262S36 035
Terran Freight DroneM5Terr848415010001MJ11 00000800800XL81 155
Terran Freight DroneM5Terr848415010001MJ11 00000800800XL81 155
Terran DroneM5Terr848415010001MJ11 00000800800XL81 155
Baldric MinerTSTerr5210417 00085085025MJ5125 0001030004500XL378 670
Advanced ChokaroTMYaki7815614 7009251 100200MJ2400 000269001800XL304 330
Xperimental ShuttleM3Terr1283218 0008905 500200MJ1200 00000210250L2 272 335

Space ships properties

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