List of space ships (technical information) / X3 Terran Conflict (X3TC)
X3TC X3 Terran conflict / Space ships properties
List of space ships (technical information)
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Ship name:
Found ships: 47
Ship name«ClassRaceSpeedHullGeneratorMax shieldsTurretsHangarCargobayPrice
BusterM4Arg621753 5002502 0505MJ315 0000023108M408 045
Buster RaiderM4Arg792233 3252752 0505MJ210 000002097M612 150
Buster VanguardM4Arg691933 3252752 4605MJ315 0000021102M510 060
Buster SentinelM4Arg511443 5002752 0505MJ420 000002097M642 745
EliteM4Arg641606 5005504 50025MJ250 0001050120L853 910
ScorpionM4Spl772332 8001052 4505MJ15 0000038108M314 800
Scorpion RaiderM4Spl982962 8001152 4505MJ15 000002881M472 160
Scorpion VanguardM4Spl852572 6601152 9405MJ15 0000036102M393 520
Scorpion SentinelM4Spl631912 8001152 4505MJ210 000003497M495 775
AspM4Spl752255 2002202 45025MJ125 0000038108M694 685
PericlesM4Par631773 5002502 2505MJ315 0000030110S396 440
Pericles RaiderM4Par802253 3252752 2505MJ210 000002799S594 620
Pericles VanguardM4Par691953 3252752 7005MJ315 0000028104S495 530
Pericles SentinelM4Par521453 5002752 2505MJ420 000002799S624 325
TheseusM4Par631776 5005254 75025MJ250 0000030110M827 780
MakoM4Bor672033 1501901 8505MJ210 0000063208M373 070
Mako RaiderM4Bor852572 9922091 8505MJ15 0000056187M559 645
Mako VanguardM4Bor742232 9922092 2205MJ210 0000059197M466 395
Mako SentinelM4Bor551663 1502091 8505MJ315 0000056187M587 560
PikeM4Bor651955 8503994 35025MJ125 0000063208L796 130

Space ships properties

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