Factories / X3 Terran Conflict (X3TC)
X3TC X3 Terran conflict / X3 Albion Prelude
Type factory name:
Factories found: 258
Name of factory/stationHullShieldGeneratorHangarProductionPrice
Teladi Dream Farm M900 00010 000 00015005Swamp Plant00:01:004275 016
Teladi Dream Farm L2 250 00015 000 000150010Swamp Plant00:01:0010687 480
Argon Rimes Fact M800 00010 000 00015005Cloth Rimes00:01:126799 992
Argon Rimes Fact L2 000 00015 000 00015005Cloth Rimes00:01:12151 999 980
Argon Cahoona Bakery M800 00010 000 00015005Meatsteak Cahoonas00:01:0020874 980
Argon Cahoona Bakery L2 000 00015 000 00015005Meatsteak Cahoonas00:01:00502 187 480
Argon Space Fuel Distillery M800 00010 000 00015005Space Fuel00:01:3641 999 980
Argon Space Fuel Distillery L2 000 00015 000 00015005Space Fuel00:01:36105 500 028
Boron Stott Mixery M800 00010 000 00015005Stott Spices00:01:00201 103 708
Boron Stott Mixery L2 000 00015 000 00015005Stott Spices00:01:00502 483 340
Boron BoFu Chemical Lab M800 00010 000 00015005BoFu00:01:126809 992
Boron BoFu Chemical Lab L2 000 00015 000 00015005BoFu00:01:12152 024 976
Split Massom Mill M800 00010 000 00015005Massom Powder00:01:0040804 992
Split Massom Mill L2 000 00015 000 00015005Massom Powder00:01:001002 012 512
Split Rastar Refinery M800 00010 000 00015005Rastar Oil00:01:2041 116 692
Split Rastar Refinery L2 000 00015 000 00015005Rastar Oil00:01:20102 512 556
Paranid Space Jewellery M800 00010 000 00015005Majaglit00:01:00401 181 616
Paranid Space Jewellery L2 000 00015 000 00015005Majaglit00:01:001002 658 632
Paranid Soyery M800 00010 000 00015005Soja Husk00:01:0041 077 736
Paranid Soyery L2 000 00015 000 00015005Soja Husk00:01:00102 087 496

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