Medusa / Properties of space ship / X3 Terran Conflict (X3TC)
X3TC X3 Terran conflict / Space ships properties
Medusa / Properties of space ship
Medusa (Medusa)
Ship class:M3
Speed without upgrades:65
Upgradeable to (speed):143
Hull:12 500
Max laser energy (MJ):8 333
Shield power generator (MW):1 300
Max shield:25 MJ Shield × 4 = 100 000 KJ
Hangar (ships):-
Min cargobay:180
Upgradeable to (cargobay):320
Ware transport class:Medium Containers M
Price (approximate):5 545 555 credits

Compatible weapon and missiles:

Compatible lasers:
Main (number of bays: 8):
Impulse Ray Emitter
Energy Bolt Chaingun
Pulsed Beam Emitter
Particle Accelerator Cannon
Fragmentation Bomb Launcher
Plasma Burst Generator
High Energy Plasma Thrower

Turret 1 (number of bays: 1):
Impulse Ray Emitter
Particle Accelerator Cannon
Fragmentation Bomb Launcher

Turret 2 (number of bays: 1):
Impulse Ray Emitter
Particle Accelerator Cannon
Fragmentation Bomb Launcher

Compatible missiles:
Mosquito Missile
Wasp Missile
Dragonfly Missile
Silkworm Missile
Disruptor Missile
Firefly Missile
Thunderbolt Missile
Tempest Missile
Hurricane Missile
Cyclone Missile
Tornado Missile
Aurora Missile
Remote Guided Warhead
Beluga Missile
Hammerhead Missile
Rapier Missile
Firelance Missile
Wildfire Missile
Windstalker Missile
Banshee Missile

For developer (Scripts and Modding)

Ship's screenshot

Space ships properties

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