List of space ships (technical information) / X3 Terran Conflict (X3TC)
X3TC X3 Terran conflict / Space ships properties
List of space ships (technical information)
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Ship name:
Found ships: 37
Ship nameClassRaceSpeedHullGeneratorMax shieldsTurretsHangarCargobayPrice
HerculesTLPar6496150 0004 00018 800200MJ61 200 000494000040000ST19 824 025
DemeterTSPar5511020 00060095025MJ375 0001028003800XL173 105
Demeter TankerTSPar5511020 00060095025MJ375 0001028003800XL173 105
Demeter HaulerTSPar448819 00060095025MJ4100 0001056007600XL476 055
Demeter MinerTSPar5811719 600660025MJ375 0001032204370XL259 695
Demeter Super FreighterTSPar428419 00066095025MJ5125 0001051807030XL476 055
Demeter Super FreighterTSPar397917 00066095025MJ5125 00010826011210XL1 211 885
HermesTPPar3710520 00060050025MJ375 0001010001000L431 745
Hermes HaulerTPPar4111520 60060050025MJ375 0001011501150L1 187 295
HeliosTMPar6012121 0001 100950200MJ2400 0002410001550XL251 580
ZeusM1Par5182400 0008 20058 5002GJ36 000 00064280008000XL86 730 365
OdysseusM2Par3251500 00012 400304 0002GJ48 000 0006080008000XL105 315 395
Paranid PerseusM3Par7516510 0007506 20025MJ375 0001060160M1 548 680
Paranid Perseus RaiderM3Par952099 5008256 20025MJ250 0001054144M2 323 060
Paranid Perseus VanguardM3Par821819 5008256 20025MJ250 0001057152M1 935 870
Paranid Perseus SentinelM3Par6113510 0008256 20025MJ4100 0001054144M2 168 215
MedusaM3Par6514312 5001 3008 33325MJ4100 00020180320M5 545 555
PericlesM4Par631773 5002502 2505MJ315 0000030110S396 440
Pericles RaiderM4Par802253 3252752 2505MJ210 000002799S594 620
Pericles VanguardM4Par691953 3252752 7005MJ315 0000028104S495 530

Space ships properties

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