Teladi Sun Oil Refinery L / Factory characteristics / X3 Terran Conflict (X3TC)
X3TC X3 Terran conflict / X3 Albion Prelude
Teladi Sun Oil Refinery L / Factory characteristics
Teladi Sun Oil Refinery L
Hull:2 000 000
Shield (KJ):15 000 000
Shield power generator:1 500
Hangar (ship):10
Cycle time:00:01:00
Number of production (per hour):50
Production (per hour):3000
Factory price:2 125 024
Where to buy factory "Teladi Sun Oil Refinery L" »


Nostrop Oil
Number of production (per hour):50
Store size:16660
Ware class:M
Ware volume:3
Min price:26
Max price:118
Average income (without spending on resources):216 000 Cr/hour

Resources: (click the name of resource to find where it is produce)

Energy Cells
Spending (per cycle):75
Spending (per hour):4500
Store size:25000
Ware class:S
Ware volume:1
Min price:12
Max price:20
Average spending (per hour):72 000 Cr

Sunrise Flowers
Spending (per cycle):75
Spending (per hour):4500
Store size:25000
Ware class:S
Ware volume:1
Min price:5
Max price:35
Average spending (per hour):90 000 Cr

Estimate value (based on the average factory price)
Average income(production selling):216 000 Cr/hour
Average spending (production buying):162 000 Cr/hour
Average profits (income - spending):54 000 Cr/hour

For those who write scripts and modes X3: TC

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