World of Warcraft / Guide
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World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft

Let's play World of Warcraft! World of Warcraft release date: 2004 year

World of Warcraft is a game that sparks a lot of debates and discussions. On the surface, it's just an MMORPG, but for many, it has become more than just a game - it's a lifestyle. However, despite its popularity, the game is not without its flaws, one of which is its low-polygon graphics. Yes, the graphics of World of Warcraft don't impress with their realism and beauty. They are far from the modern standards we've come to expect in other games. The landscapes appear blocky, and the textures lack detail. The low-polygon graphics make the game less appealing to those who are used to beautiful, realistic visuals.

However, despite the graphical shortcomings, World of Warcraft has its strengths. One of the main aspects of the game is its deep and diverse world. Players can explore vast locations, complete quests, and battle monsters and enemies. This creates a unique allure that can captivate players for hours on end. Another advantage of World of Warcraft is its social aspect. Players can join guilds, interact with other players, participate in events, and even create their own communities within the game. This adds a social dimension to the gameplay, making it more engaging for those who value interaction with other players.

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