Missiles of ship "Buster Sentinel" / X3 Terran Conflict (X3TC)
X3TC X3 Terran conflict / Missile properties
Missiles of ship "Buster Sentinel"
Missile's name:
Founded missiles: 12
Missle nameRangeMax
Mosquito Missile 14693 200 590 250 S 1 126 168 210
Wasp Missile 18130 1000 560 750 S 1 1 079 1 348 1 617
Dragonfly Missile 18750 5000 250 500 S 1 780 1 012 1 244
Silkworm Missile 28432 19000 190 1000 S 2 4 295 5 052 5 809
Disruptor Missile 39999 6000 514 750 S 1 2 762 3 368 3 974
Firefly Missile 24974 1500 576 250 S 1 171 224 277
Hurricane Missile 29999 6000 471 1000 S 3 3 357 4 044 4 731
Aurora Missile 18747 8000 589 3000 S 3 1 616 2 020 2 424
Remote Guided Warhead 79999 100000 142 4000 S 3 24 257 26 952 29 647
Rapier Missile 99999 1000 657 250 S 1 1 079 1 348 1 617
Firelance Missile 49999 4500 500 500 S 1 2 211 2 696 3 181
Wildfire Missile 33333 15000 246 750 S 1 2 863 3 368 3 873

« Space ship "Buster Sentinel"

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