Weapons of space ship "Pericles Raider" / X3 Terran Conflict (X3TC)
X3TC X3 Terran conflict / Weapons properties
Weapons of space ship "Pericles Raider"
Laser's name:
Founded lasers: 3
Laser nameRangeDamageSpeedAmmunitionWare detailsPrice
Impulse Ray Emitter 1394 220 21 1162   S 1 3 928 4 676 5 424
Particle Accelerator Cannon 1926 1155 143 703   S 3 34 671 38 956 43 241
Fragmentation Bomb Launcher 1974 2793 471 359   S 5 180 282 202 564 224 846

« Space ship "Pericles Raider"

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