Searching space ship that compatable with needed type of weapon / X3 Terran Conflict (X3TC)
X3TC X3 Terran conflict / Space ships properties
Searching space ship that compatable with needed type of weapon

Xenon K (M2, Xenon)
Odin (M1, ATF)
Tyr (M2, ATF)
Vidar (M6, ATF)
Vali (M6, ATF)
Aegir (M7, ATF)
Woden (M1, ATF)
Valhalla (M2, ATF)
Tokyo (M1, Terran)
Osaka (M2, Terran)
Katana (M6, Terran)
Yokohama (M7, Terran)
Unknown Object (M3, Xenon)
Hyperion Vanguard (M6, Paranid)

Space ships properties

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