List of space ships (technical information) / X3 Terran Conflict (X3TC)
X3TC X3 Terran conflict / Space ships properties
List of space ships (technical information)
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Ship name:
Found ships: 45
Ship nameClassRaceSpeedHullGeneratorMax shieldsTurretsHangarCargobayPrice
DiscovererM5Arg983461 0001001 0001MJ33 000001050M54 050
Discoverer RaiderM5Arg1254391 0001101 0001MJ33 00000945M81 155
Discoverer HaulerM5Arg1033631 0001001 0001MJ33 000001367M59 485
Discoverer VanguardM5Arg1083801 0001101 2001MJ33 00000947M67 600
JaguarM5Spl134469800851 2001MJ22 000001030S45 040
Jaguar RaiderM5Spl170596760931 2001MJ11 00000927S67 600
Jaguar HaulerM5Spl140493848851 2001MJ11 000001340S49 585
Jaguar VanguardM5Spl147516760931 4401MJ22 00000928S56 320
PegasusM5Par1073751 0001005501MJ33 000006076S58 595
Pegasus RaiderM5Par1364779501105501MJ22 000005468S87 890
Pegasus VanguardM5Par1184139501106601MJ33 000005772S73 200
Pegasus SentinelM5Par883081 0001105501MJ44 000005468S102 500
OctopusM5Bor142427900751 3501MJ22 00000515S49 585
Octopus RaiderM5Bor181543855821 3501MJ11 00000413S74 340
Octopus VanguardM5Bor156470855821 6201MJ22 00000414S61 920
Octopus SentinelM5Bor116350900821 3501MJ33 00000413S86 755
HarrierM5Tel1122801 200651 0005MJ15 0000019104S63 055
Harrier HaulerM5Tel982451 332651 0005MJ15 0000023130S69 385
Harrier VanguardM5Tel1203001 140711 2005MJ15 000001898S78 885
Harrier SentinelM5Tel912271 200711 0005MJ210 000001793S110 450

Space ships properties

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