List of space ships (technical information) / X3 Terran Conflict (X3TC)
X3TC X3 Terran conflict / Space ships properties
List of space ships (technical information)
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Ship name:
Found ships: 67
Ship nameClassRaceSpeedHullGeneratorMax shieldsTurretsHangarCargobayPrice
NovaM3Arg6015010 0007505 60025MJ375 0001086236L1 610 680
Nova RaiderM3Arg761909 5008255 60025MJ375 0001077216L1 610 680
Nova VanguardM3Arg661659 5008256 72025MJ375 0001081224L2 013 370
Nova SentinelM3Arg4912310 0008255 60025MJ375 0001077214L2 254 970
EclipseM3Arg5213012 5001 2508 000200MJ1200 00020120320L5 356 220
MambaM3Spl842108 0006505 00025MJ250 0000084224L1 610 680
Mamba RaiderM3Spl1062667 6007155 00025MJ125 0001075201L2 415 980
Mamba VanguardM3Spl922317 6007156 00025MJ250 0000079212L2 013 370
Mamba SentinelM3Spl681728 0007155 00025MJ375 0000075201L2 254 970
ChimeraM3Spl7218210 0001 1258 75025MJ375 00020140300L5 437 375
Paranid PerseusM3Par7516510 0007506 20025MJ375 0001060160M1 548 680
Paranid Perseus RaiderM3Par952099 5008256 20025MJ250 0001054144M2 323 060
Paranid Perseus VanguardM3Par821819 5008256 20025MJ250 0001057152M1 935 870
Paranid Perseus SentinelM3Par6113510 0008256 20025MJ4100 0001054144M2 168 215
MedusaM3Par6514312 5001 3008 33325MJ4100 00020180320M5 545 555
BarracudaM3Bor721809 0005703 40025MJ250 0000063208M1 486 755
Barracuda RaiderM3Bor912288 5506273 40025MJ125 0000056187M2 230 135
Barracuda VanguardM3Bor791988 5506274 08025MJ250 0000059197M1 858 445
Barracuda SentinelM3Bor591479 0006273 40025MJ375 0000056187M2 081 540
SkateM3Bor6215611 2501 1607 80025MJ375 00020145305M5 193 910

Space ships properties

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