List of space ships (technical information) / X3 Terran Conflict (X3TC)
X3TC X3 Terran conflict / Space ships properties
List of space ships (technical information)
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Ship name:
Found ships: 41
Ship nameClassRaceSpeedHullGeneratorMax shieldsTurretsHangarCargobayPrice
Dolphin Super FreighterTSBor295315 300715025MJ5125 000001180014000XL1 742 070
Vulture Super FreighterTSTel315720 40033085025MJ4100 000101032513275XL1 590 635
Mistral Super FreighterTSArg397820 00060085025MJ6150 000201000015000XL1 506 235
Mercury Super FreighterTSArg367217 00066085025MJ5125 00010885011800XL1 325 500
Demeter Super FreighterTSPar397917 00066095025MJ5125 00010826011210XL1 211 885
Dolphin HaulerTSBor335917 100650025MJ4100 00000800010000XL684 380
Dolphin TankerTSBor274818 000650025MJ5125 0000076009500XL684 380
Dolphin Super FreighterTSBor325717 100715025MJ5125 0000074009250XL684 380
Caiman Super FreighterTSSpl498913 6005502 10025MJ4100 00010737510325XL1 514 835
Vulture HaulerTSTel356322 80030085025MJ375 0001070009000XL624 890
Vulture Super FreighterTSTel346122 80033085025MJ4100 0001064758325XL624 890
Mercury HaulerTSArg408019 00060085025MJ4100 0001060008000XL520 690
Mercury TankerTSArg326520 00060085025MJ5125 0001057007600XL520 690
Demeter HaulerTSPar448819 00060095025MJ4100 0001056007600XL476 055
Mercury Super FreighterTSArg387719 00066085025MJ5125 0001055507400XL520 690
Demeter Super FreighterTSPar428419 00066095025MJ5125 0001051807030XL476 055
Caiman HaulerTSSpl559915 2005002 10025MJ375 0001050007000XL595 110
Caiman TankerTSSpl458116 0005002 10025MJ4100 0001047506650XL595 110
Caiman Super FreighterTSSpl539615 2005502 10025MJ4100 0001046256475XL595 110
Caiman MinerTSSpl509015 2005002 20025MJ375 0001045007000XL676 265

Space ships properties

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