Search stations where you can buy ware / X3 Terran Conflict (X3TC)
X3TC X3 Terran conflict / Weapons properties
Search stations where you can buy ware
Name of ware (in english):
Founded: 6
Ware nameRatingStationSectorPriceShow
Split Quantum Tube Fab +5 Split Shipyard Rhonkar's Might 4 590 120 [on map]
Split Quantum Tube Fab +5 Split Shipyard Family Tkr 4 590 120 [on map]
Split Quantum Tube Fab +5 Split Shipyard Zyarth's Dominion 4 590 120 [on map]
Split Quantum Tube Fab +5 Split Shipyard Rhonkar's Trial 4 590 120 [on map]
Split Quantum Tube Fab +5 Split Shipyard Family Rhy 4 590 120 [on map]
Split Quantum Tube Fab +5 Split Shipyard Patriarch's Conclusion 4 590 120 [on map]

*Approximate prices.

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