Queen's Harbour / Sector information / X3 Terran Conflict (X3TC)
X3TC X3 Terran conflict
Queen's Harbour / Sector information
Sector "Queen's Harbour"
Security level:Core
North gate: [follow]
South gate:
East gate: [follow]
West gate: [follow]

Royal Boron Trading Station[information]
Atreus Headquarters[information]
BoFu Chemical Lab L beta[information]
BoFu Chemical Lab M alpha[information]
BoFu Chemical Lab M gamma[information]
Drone Factory alpha[information]
Photon Pulse Cannon Forge alpha[information]
Recon Drone Construction Facility alpha[information]
Solar Power Plant L beta[information]
Solar Power Plant L gamma[information]
Solar Power Plant M alpha[information]
Solar Power Plant M delta[information]
Stott Mixery M alpha[information]

Asteroids in the sector:
This list contained only those asteroids that can be mined.

Screenshot of sector "Queen's Harbour"

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