Military Outpost / Equipment Dock / X3 Terran Conflict (X3TC)
X3TC X3 Terran conflict / Military Outpost
Military Outpost / Equipment Dock
Military Outpost
Sector:Faded Dreams[view on map]
Type:Equipment Dock

List of wares
NameContainerVolumeMin. RatingPrice
LasertowerXL100+2151 608[properties]
Hammer Heavy TorpedoL20+650 536
SQUASH MineL5+212 837[properties]
Flail Barrage MissileM5+233 692
Ion DisruptorM10+5280 472
Navigation Relay SatelliteM3-16 740
Advanced SatelliteM413 476[properties]
Tomahawk Heavy MissileM2+622 460
Triplex ScannerM2+29 828
Concussion Impulse GeneratorM25+5448 752
Fighter DroneM2+24 044[properties]
Firestorm TorpedoM7+680 856
Mass Driver AmmunitionS1+2672
Mass DriverS1+4116 864
Particle Accelerator CannonS3+238 956
Energy CellsS1-116
Impulse Ray EmitterS1+14 676
Freight Scanner1+526 952
Boron Law Enforcement License1+57 580
Fight Command Software MK11+22 416

Presented only tentative prices and wares (they correct only at the moment new game starts).

Sector information »

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