Royal Boron Shipyard / Big Shipyard / X3 Terran Conflict (X3TC)
X3TC X3 Terran conflict / Royal Boron Shipyard
Royal Boron Shipyard / Big Shipyard
Royal Boron Shipyard
Sector:Great Reef[view on map]
Type:Big Shipyard

List of wares
NameContainerVolumeMin. RatingPrice
Boron Solar Power Plant LST15750+49 904 140
Boron Weapon Component FactoryST12000+5655 732
Boron BoFu Chemical Lab LST15000+42 024 976
Boron Complex Construction KitST4250+5259 696
Boron Bio Gas Factory MST11000+3224 636
Boron Ore Mine MST8000+3549 972
Boron Stott Mixery LST18750+42 483 340
Boron Plankton Farm LST13500+3799 992
Boron Stott Mixery MST12500+41 103 708
Boron Ion Disruptor ForgeST13500+710 461 836
Boron Photon Pulse Cannon ForgeST23500+812 265 940
Boron Silicon Mine LST14250+31 402 356
Octopus26+249 320[properties]
Pike52+4791 876[properties]
Barracuda Raider130+42 218 219[properties]
Thresher1+738 044 972[properties]
Ray1+886 266 977[properties]
Hydra1+58 610 214[properties]
Shark1+861 619 223[properties]
Mako52+3371 076[properties]
Pleco1+4306 742[properties]
Dolphin1+3247 490[properties]
Skate130+55 166 159[properties]
Orca1+522 182 928[properties]
Manta1+2463 902[properties]

Presented only tentative prices and wares (they correct only at the moment new game starts).

Sector information »

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