Orbital Patrol Base / Equipment Dock / X3 Terran Conflict (X3TC)
X3TC X3 Terran conflict / Orbital Patrol Base
Orbital Patrol Base / Equipment Dock
Orbital Patrol Base
Sector:Titan[view on map]
Type:Equipment Dock

List of wares
NameContainerVolumeMin. RatingPrice
Matter/Anti-Matter LauncherM21+6451 872
25 MJ ShieldM10+485 700
Terran MRES2-1292
Matter/Anti-matter WarheadS4900
Duplex ScannerS14 212
Poltergeist MissileS2-43 368
Electro-Magnetic Plasma CannonS5+5322 540
5 MJ ShieldS3-120 776
1 MJ ShieldS1-15 192
Singularity Engine Time Accelerator1-1252
Navigation Command Software MK112 948
Special Command Software MK114 212
Rudder Optimisation1-184
Fight Command Software MK21+43 508
Engine Tuning1-1140
Fight Command Software MK11+22 416
Cargo Bay Extension1-156
Boost Extension1-11 124

Presented only tentative prices and wares (they correct only at the moment new game starts).

Sector information »

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