Factories / X3 Terran Conflict (X3TC)
X3TC X3 Terran conflict / X3 Albion Prelude
Type factory name:
Factories found: 258
Name of factory/stationHullShieldGeneratorHangarProduction«Price
Terran Water Purification Plant M900 00010 000 000100010Water00:01:1248402 528
Argon Wheat Farm M900 00010 000 00015005Delexian Wheat00:01:0020367 016
Teladi Flower Farm M900 00010 000 00015005Sunrise Flowers00:01:0030360 004
Teladi Teladianium Foundry M900 00010 000 00015005Teladianium00:01:004325 008
Terran Protein Paste Blending Facility M900 00010 000 000150010Protein Paste00:01:0020325 008
Terran Carbo Cake Factory M900 00010 000 000150010Carbo Cake00:01:0020325 008
Boron Plankton Farm M900 00010 000 00015005Plankton00:01:0030320 008
Split Scruffin Farm M900 00010 000 00015005Scruffin Fruits00:01:0030320 008
Paranid Snail Ranch M900 00010 000 00015005Maja Snails00:01:004300 012
Argon Cattle Ranch M900 00010 000 00015005Argnu Beef00:01:006275 016
Teladi Dream Farm M900 00010 000 00015005Swamp Plant00:01:004275 016
Argon Complex Construction Kit200 0007 000 000350020-00:00:000259 696
Boron Complex Construction Kit200 0007 000 000350020-00:00:000259 696
Paranid Complex Construction Kit200 0007 000 000350020-00:00:000259 696
Split Complex Construction Kit200 0007 000 000350020-00:00:000259 696
Teladi Complex Construction Kit200 0007 000 000350020-00:00:000259 696
Split Chelt Space Aquarium M900 00010 000 00015005Chelts Meat00:01:006236 972
Boron Bio Gas Factory M900 00010 000 00015005BoGas00:01:122224 636

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